much modern manufacturing relies on highly automated,expensive manufacturing plants–so much so that some companies do not separately identify the cost of labour because there is so little used.instead,factory labour is simply regarded as a fixed overhead and added in to the fixed costs of running the factory,its machinery,and the sophisticated information technology system which coordinates production.
many companies rely on customisation of products to differentiate themselves and to enable higher margins to be made.dell,for example,a pc manufacturer,has a website which lets customers specify their own pc in terms of memory size,capacity,processor speed etc.that information is then fed into their automated production system and the specified computer is built,more or less automatically.
instead of offering customers the ability to specify products,many companies offer an extensive range of products,hoping that one member of the range will match the requirements of a particular market segment.
these developments in manufacturing and marketing mean that the conventional way of treating fixed overheads might not be good enough.companies need to know the causes of overheads,and need to realise that many of their‘fixed costs’might not be fixed at all.they need to try to assign costs to products or services on the basis of the resources they consume.
美国哈佛大学的青年学者库伯(robin cooper)和教授卡普兰(robert s kaplan)在对美国公司调查研究之后,发展了前人的思想,提出了以作业为基础的成本计算,activity based costing(简称abc成本法)应运而生。
the abc process is as follows:
1.split fixed overheads into activities.these are called cost pools.
2.for each cost pool identify what causes that cost.in abc terminology,this is the‘cost driver’,but it might be better to think of it as the‘cost causer’.
3.calculate a cost per unit of cost driver(cost pool/total number of cost driver).
4.allocate costs to the product based on how much the product uses of the cost driver.
首先,abc成本法要识别不同活动的成本,并把他们分到不同的活动成本库(activity cost pool),活动成本库可以根据企业实际经营所发生的各种活动,灵活加以确定。它们可能包括设置调试机器、订货、材料处理、储存、发运、生产过程监管、供电等。对成本驱动因素(cost driver)的分析有助于确定把制造费用分配到各个产品或产品系列上的适当比率。
the traditional approach to fixed overhead absorption has the merit of being simple to calculate and apply.however,simplicity does not justify the production and use of information that might be wrong or misleading.
abc undoubtedly requires an organisation to spend time and effort investigating more fully what causes it to incur costs,and then to use that detailed information for costing purposes.but understanding the drivers of costs must be an essential part of good performance management.
abc costing无疑需要企业付出更多的时间、金钱和精力,以获得更精确可靠的信息,来用这些信息进行管理决策。但是对所发生的的成本的透彻理解也是一个好的绩效管理所必需的。
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