干货 | march 2017 p5考官报告分析-尊龙凯时官方旗舰店


干货 | march 2017 p5考官报告分析
作者:admin 发布时间:2017-04-28 11:24


p5考卷分为两部分:section a and section b。section a是一道50分的必答题,section b由三道25分的选答题组成,要求考生从中选出两道进行解答,考卷总分100分,50分通过。

在这次考试中,question 3尤为被考生青睐,值得注意的是,考生的时间管理技巧相比以前也有了较大的提升。



“use the examiner’s reports and approach articles to ensure that they have the right overall attitude to p5”


“as one goes through the levels(say from f2 to f5 to p5)this balance changes,from pure memory to more analysis.”


“the first step to passing p5 is to have a good grasp of the basic knowledge.”

值得一提的是,这次p5考试中考到了return on capital employed、the building block model、target costing这些基础知识,但相当一部分考生并没有很好的回答,暴露出基础知识不牢的弱点。


“the need throughout the examination to relate or illustrate points by using the information relating to the business in the question scenario.”


“this issue leads directly to the well-worn advice to candidates to‘answer the question asked'.”


question one

这道题要求考生思考the performance reporting system of a service company and its proposed reward schemes。

这道题共由5个part组成,前三部分围绕分析the current indicators used at a strategic level by the company,后两部分重点在the reward schemes of the business。

part(i)requested an evaluation of the links between the mission and the indicators.

很多考生都能指出the mission statement,但是很少考生能够showed appreciation of the structure of the mission and how certain goals were subsidiary to an overall aim。许多考生因为分析the indicators和the mission的联系较准确,也拿到了相对不错的分数。

part(ii)required a detailed consideration of how performance measures are put together.

考生在这道题中最大的问题是答案深度不够,导致最后只能得到个位数的分数,用考官的话说原因就是“they failed to develop their answers”。例如,很多考生已经识别出某个indicator的计算存在问题,但是很少有考生尝试去量化这个问题的影响。

在这道题中考到了return on capital employed的计算,这是一个很基础又很重要的指标,但是很多考生不知道它的计算方法,暴露出了基础知识薄弱的弱点。

part(iii)required a general evaluation of the presentation of the business’dashboard of indicators.


part(iv)required an explanation of certain detailed parts of the building block model.

这道题存在的最大问题是,考生没有准确理解题意,答非所问。考官明确要求考生回答问题”explain…as required by the ceo”,提示考生答题要紧贴ceo的需要,但是很多考生只是把机械学习的知识照搬到了考卷上,结果很显然,分数不理想。

part(v)required two proposed reward schemes to be evaluated

考生在这道题中的表现不错,很多考生能够用the building block model concepts合理分析这两种奖励机制。

特别需要注意的是,在p5考试第一题中有4分的professional marks,考生可以通过考试前做题总结来拿到这4分。

professional marks具体的要求是suitable report headings,an introduction,a logical structure,signposted by the good use of subheadings in the answer,and a clear,concise style。

question two

第二题是相对较简单的,考察的是the use of target costing and kaizen costing at a manufacturer,共分为3个小部分。

part(a)of the question required a basic calculation of the cost gap.

很多考生这道题都拿到了不错的分数,但也有考生对理论理解不够深刻,只是计算了总的成本而没有计算出单个产品的成本,而单个产品的成本其实是更有意义的,甚至有的考生都不知道cost gap的计算方法,结果得分很低。

part(b)of the question required candidates to apply the target cost method to the scenario to give advice about performance improvements.


part(c)of the question was fairly well answered with candidates demonstrating a fair understanding of kaizen costing and its application.

part(c)主要考察的是kaizen costing的理解和应用,基础知识较好的考生会拿到不错的分数。

question three

question three主要考察对外部商业环境的分析会对performance measurement of a retailer有什么影响。

part(a)considered the use of such an analysis on specific factors for the company in the scenario.


part(b)asked for an evaluation of the suitability of indicators currently in use for an expansion into a different country.


part(c)of the question required the identification of new key performance indicators for part of the scenario

这道题拿高分的要点在于point new indicators and discussion as to the relevance or reasoning for the choice。仅仅罗列出new key performance indicators而没有相应的分析得分会比较低。

question four

第四题考察的知识点在于divisional performance measurement.

part(a)required an analysis of the reasons for the performance of a manager being measured differently from the division’s performance.


part(b)required a calculation of the relevant profit to judge the manager’s performance in order to assess their suitability for a bonus payment.


part(c)required an evaluation of the suitability of economic value added as a divisional performance measure.



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