frm奖学金应该如何申请 具体流程在此
作者:泽稷编辑 发布时间:2017-11-10 14:35
首先可以申请奖学金的包括两类考生,一种是在读全日制研究生,一种是教职人员faculty member,我属于第一种,所以就只能详细说说第一种啦,需要准备的材料有:
(1) print invoice
这个注册后就会有个pdf文件,里面的住址可以这么写room x-x, building x, xx apt, xx university, xx road , xx city, china
(2) complete the 2016 scholarship application
尊龙凯时官方旗舰店官网有个文档,里面有一页需要填写student applicant 和nominating university official information (for students)两部分。第一部分填写一些自己的信息,后一部分填写给你写推荐信的老师的一些信息。
(3) official letter from the registrar
this is to certify that 姓名 , female, born on xx, was admitted into the 专业 program of xx university in sept. 2015. it is full-time, three-year program leading to the master's degree. her student number is xx, and has completed and satisfied the requirement for half year. she is expected to graduate in july, 2018.
xx school of xx
date: 1/14/2016
(4) transcript from the registrar
(5) letter of reference from a university official
推荐信, 我当时没提前弄好,快要寄材料了也没等到老师,给老师发的邮件找同学代签的。
(6) candidate statement
(7) current cv/resume
我用的邮政快递,花了180,寄到美国大概用的6天。garp的办事效率真是不怎麽样,寄过去整整两个月,我都放弃希望了,它才给我发邮件,我原以为是返回来300刀,结果返回来350刀,也是蛮开心的。申请这个scholarship 的成功率应该蛮高的吧,毕竟符合条件的考生很少,最后祝大家都能申请成功。